Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Wednesday 29 July

Today's ride is from Crescent City to Elk Prairie State Park. I worked on the blog early in the AM without much success.  So, I got a late start. I stopped at a local coffee shop and bought a good looking honey bran muffin and two macaroons. The idea was, the muffin for when I got to the top of the hill and the macaroons for desert after dinner. I had  an 1100 foot climb coming and didn't want much for breakfast.  The ride went along the coast for a couple of miles then the climb took me into  Redwoods.

 This point is about 1/3 the way up the hill. 
 a look back at Crescent City

compare the motorcycle to the size of the  trees 
 At the top of the hill I had the bran muffin, as planned, and one of the macaroons. The second one did make it to dinner😊
 Down the otherside of the hill we are back to ocean views

 Then the road heads inland and up. It is hard to describe the size of these trees except they are huge.  

The last 8 miles today on the Newton B. Drury Scenic Parkway was extremely interesting. There are many short hikes into the Redwoods on both sides of the road. I will definitely be back on my way to Tucson.

1 comment:

  1. Linda - Love seeing those magnificent trees! Your ride through that forest is such a contrast to the coast!
